
Custom Ocular Prosthetics
An ocular prosthesis (artificial eye) is fitted for a patient who is missing an eye. Each prosthesis is custom designed and hand painted to replicate the patients existing eye, giving a life-like appearance insuring maximum comfort, and movement. We have the experience and knowledge to fit even the most difficult situations for people of all ages.

Scleral Cover Shells
A very thin painted ocular prosthesis, fabricated from an impression, designed to fit over a blind eye or disfigured globe.

Polishing and Modifications
Ocular prosthetic wearers should have their prosthesis polished every 6 months to insure comfort and integrity of their eyelids and socket. Periodically, the soft tissues or implant within the socket may change. This may cause the prosthesis to shift and affect cosmetics. Adjustments can be made to the current prosthesis to maintain an excellent cosmetic effect.

Custom Expansion Conformers
A small percentage of children are born with congenital ocular anomalies. Anophthalmos is a complete absence of an eye. Microphthalmos refers to a globe that is reduced in size.
In both ocular anomalies, expansion therapy conformers should be fit soon after birth to stimulate growth of the boney orbit, socket, fornix and eyelids. A series of increasingly sized conformers are fit which, in time, allows for fitting of a custom painted ocular prosthesis. At Texas Eye Prosthetics, we have many years of experience in fitting these very special children.

We offer a variety of solutions for the prosthetic wearer. Products include artificial eye lubricants, eyelid cleansers, suction cups, and eye wash.
*Free Consultations